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Selectmen's Minutes - March 7, 2000
Minutes of Selectmen Meeting
March 7, 2000

Present: Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski,  Daniel Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones. Executive Secretary Winn Davis also present.

7:45 p.m. Chairman Webster called the meeting to order.

I       Chairman Webster read various announcements:  Warrant closing 3/14, reports due to the Annual Town report, Winn Davis’ reception changed to Thursday 3/16, vacancies on Board of Appeals and In-Law apartment committee - applications due on 3/13, memo from DEP hearing at the Hanover Town Hall on Monday 3/13 regarding Fireworks complex.

II.     Barbara Gomez forwarded her update on the budget process.  Mr. Davis read the report which was self explanatory.  Some adjustments will be made on the Special Town Meeting Warrant to cover department budget overruns.

III.    Super Petroleum - Lila Coyle reported that Super Petroleum met with Zoning Board of Appeals  and is work trying to rectify the lighting problem with shields and the neighbors seem to be satisfied.  The matter has been continued to March 29th and Super Petroleum will request permission to keep lights on.

IV.     West Washington Street Property - Carole McCormack, Treasurer/Collector reported that the property across from the Hanson Grain was put on the auction block on June 21, 1998 but did not get a sufficient bid so it wasn’t sold.  Currently, Hanson Grain is using the property to store trailers.  Mrs. McCormack is concerned about the liability issues.  Mrs. Coyle indicated that Hanson Grain was renovating and changing the entrance to their building.  Peter Jones suggested a possible short term lease with Hanson Grain.  Cathy Kuchinski also agreed to a short term lease arrangement.  Executive Secretary to look into a lease option.

        Mrs. McCormack announced that  her office would be closed the next three Fridays 3/10, 3/17 and 3/24.  Excise tax bills due on March 10 will be due on March 13th.

V.      VHB - Alan Hanscom was present to address the Board regarding the Reuse Plan for the Plymouth County Hospital.  He handed out a suggested schedule for workshops  and completion time for the plan.  Also present with Mr. Hanscom were David Spillane, Project Manager and Ed Starzee, Site Planner.  Mr. Spillane outlined what he envisioned for the project. The project would be in three phases: Overview approach, Public Process and Initial Project focus.  Mr. Webster indicated that he would like to have a meeting with all department heads to make sure everyone is working toward the same goal.  Meeting to be on a Saturday.  Peter Jones felt that VHB was being too ambitious trying to have a completed plan by Town Meeting.  Suggested moving the workshop dates back and not rush the process.  Mr. Hanscom suggested getting the Title V systems up and running.  The Town already has an agreement with VHB to do the engineering for the Title V work.  Mr. Spillane suggested having a the first workshop in early April and presenting a preliminary plan to Town Meeting in May at which time they can announce the second workshop to be scheduled in mid May.  Departmental meeting was scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 9:00 a.m.  The first Workshop was scheduled for Thursday, April 13th at 7:30 p.m.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Judy Murdoch to authorize VHB to conduct the Title V and Form A work at the Plymouth County Hospital Property as outlined in Amendment II for not more than $4,800.00.  Voted 5 - 0.

Mr. Hanscom requested a copy of the Capital Improvement letter as well as a copy of the Plymouth County Hospital Advisory Report.  

8:50 p.m. - VHB left.

VI.     Executive Secretary Report - Mr. Davis presented his report on the request for additional staffing.  He feels that the Treasurer/Collectors office does need additional staffing during the busy times of year.  He suggested that someone be trained in all departments so that they can move from one office to the next for coverage.  This would entail recreating a new 20 hour per week position.  The new position would add extra hours to the Board of Health Office as well at the Treasurer/Collector’s office.  Mrs. Murdoch feels that the over-time line should be maintained at its currently level.  Mr. Webster would like to have the Dump Stickers moved to the Treasurer/Collector’s office.

The Board reviewed the requests for the three positions at the Library.  Mr. Webster suggested having the Executive Secretary look into the staffing requests and possibly addressing them in October.  He would prefer not to fill a position and then have to take it away in the future.  Peter Jones indicated that he would be willing to give the Reference Librarian the 15 hours per week and the Technical Librarian some hours but not all.  He does not see the necessity for a Library Page.  Mrs. Murdoch agrees regarding the Reference Librarian but no on the Technical Services and the Page positions.  She did point out however that the positions should be dealt with at the Annual Town Meeting and not at a Special Town Meeting.  Mrs. McSweeney felt that an additional 50 hours in one department was exorbitant and agreed with the Reference Librarian, a slight increase to the Technical Services position but no Page position.  The Board indicated that they would be meeting with the Finance Committee and get a better assessment for them next week.  

VI.     Treasurer/Collector Appointment - Discussed possibly reducing the length of the appointment for the Treasurer/Collector from three years to possibly one or two years.  Mr. Davis will look into the pros and cons of such a change.  

VII.    Board of Health referendum question - The Board of Health requested that the Board of Selectmen allow them to put a non-binding referendum question on the May ballot regarding smoking in food establishments.  Peter Jones felt that the question was too broad and did not indicated what type of food establishments.  He would prefer to have Board of Health address the matter.  Cathy Kuchinski pointed out that the Board of Health has a petitioned signed by individuals based on the question and it is not the Board’s authority to change the question but to grant permission for the question to be on the ballot.  

MOTION by Peter Jones, second  by Stephanie McSweeney to allow the Board of Health’s non-binding referendum question on the ballot for the May elections.  Voted 4 - 1 (Webster)

IX.     Marcia Baker - submitted a letter for resignation from the Nathaniel Thomas Mill Committee.  

MOTION  by Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski to accept Mrs. Baker’s resignation from the Thomas Mill Committee with regret and to send a thank you letter for her service.  Voted 5 - 0.  Mr. Webster pointed out that there is not a vacancy on the Committee and any interested individuals should submit and application to the Board of Selectmen.

X.      Board of Health gas meter request  - The Board of Health had previously submitted a request for Carbon Monoxide Gas Meters.  Mr. Webster felt that the Board of Health should purchase the meters from their budget.  Mr. Davis to check on the budget information for the Board of Health.

XI.     Citizens Scholarship Foundation - Catherine Schow requested that students be allowed to canvas the Town door to door on Sunday, March 26, 2000 for the Scholarship foundation.  

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Peter Jones to allow the students to canvas the Town on March 26, 2000 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Voted 5 - 0.

XII.    Executive Secretary Goals and Objectives - Mr. Webster requested that the Board submit short term goals and objectives for the Executive Secretary next meeting.  Cathy Kuchinski indicated that she would like to see him review the By-laws, Peter Jones requested a staffing study, sidewalks, Plymouth County Hospital, website and technology for the Town Hall as his G&O.  Mrs. McSweeney would like to see a chain of command outline with the citizens at the top.  Mr. Webster would like to see a range of planning for recreation throughout the town, a code of ethics for all town employees and workshops covering ethics, open meeting laws and public records.  Mr. Webster requested the members to get their Goal and Objectives to Merry by Monday.  Cathy Kuchinski indicated that as the Executive Secretary, Mr. Davis becomes a member of several boards and may need to be sworn in as a matter of rule to these committees.  She provided a list of committees the Executive Secretary has been on in the past.  

XIII.   School Building Committee - Mr. Webster indicated the Mrs. O’Sullivan of the School Building Committee has informed him that Mr. Flynn and Mr. Nugent both served on that committee and the committee is in need of a member from the Board of Selectmen and the Executive Secretary in order to have a quorum.  Mrs. Murdoch agreed to work on the Committee.  Mr. Webster pointed out that the Building Committee only has a few meetings left to complete their work.

XIV.    Town Report Cover - After reviewing the options for the Town Report Cover - the Board chose a photograph of the front of the Town Hall #MVC625F provided by Sue Moss.

XV.     Town Meeting Location - Mr. Davis presented his report on the ADA status of both schools which are in compliance.  The Board discussed parking issues, a need for a press table, access for both the handicapped and the citizens when checking in and a microphone for the Board of Selectmen.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to hold the Town Meeting at the Hanson Middle School and to look into getting a press table and microphone for the BOS members.  Voted 4 - 0 - 1 (Kuchinski)

Mrs. McSweeney inquired as to the regulations regarding smoking on school grounds.  She feels that people should not be smoking by the entrance.

Executive Session - Chairman Webster indicated that the Board would be going into Executive Session under Item 3, Litigation with the former Executive Secretary, grievance negotiations with the Clerical Union, possible litigation regarding the furnace issue and contact negotiations with the Fire Chief.  

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Peter Jones to enter into Executive Session under Item 3.
Roll Call Murdoch aye, Kuchinski aye, Webster aye, McSweeney aye, Jones aye

11:05 p.m. Board returned from Executive Session.  Chairman Webster announced no votes were taken.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Stephanie McSweeney to adjourn.  Voted 4 - 0 (Cathy Kuchinski left during executive session)

        Meeting adjourned at 11:06 p.m.